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Business Owners Policy Indiana

Business Owners Policy 

As a business owner, you strive to make decisions that are right for your business, your employees, and yourself. This includes decisions about business insurance. You know you need excellent coverage. You don’t, however, have time to become an expert in business insurance. That’s where the Woods Family Insurance Group of Terre Haute, Indiana can help. We specialize in a coverage called Business Owners Policy or BOP.


The goal of this coverage is to offer our Midwest business owners a customizable policy that combines multiple coverages such as property, liability, and business interruption coverage. An additional benefit of this policy is lower cost to you the business owner versus buying multiple different policies. 


Some examples of ways BOP can cover your business:


  • A customer injures herself or damages her possessions while at your place of business.

  • You find structural damage such as broken windows or a sunken roof due to fire, theft, or a natural disaster.

  • Information or equipment such as customer data, computers, digital assets, or office supplies is stolen from your business.


At Woods Family Insurance Group we will tailor your package to fit the very needs of your particular industry. All industries have niches that are different then others and need that specialized coverage to fit their needs. Whether you're in Fort Wayne, Indiana or Chicago, Illinois we are your local Midwest agents that can help build that Business Owners Policy that you need. Contact us to find out more about Business Owners policies in Terre Haute, IN, Indianapolis, IN, or Chicago, IL and the Midwest. Click the button below or call 812-234-2300 to get connected to a local agent. 

Multiple Coverages

Property Coverage

Liability Coverage

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